Me at A glaNce

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GRESIK BERHIAS IMAN merupakan slogan kota kelahiranku. sekarang aku menempuh pendidikan S1 di Surabaya State University, The faculty of Language and Art, English Department. pendidikan ini aku peroleh karena aku berkesempatan mendapat beasiswa mengikuti SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru). Mindset "The Beauty of Writing" tertanam sejak aku berada di bangku MTs setelah mengirim karya tulis ke Deteksi Jawa Pos. hobi menulis ku ini tertampung di media sekolah sampai akhirnya aku menjabat sebagai pemimpin redaksi mading SMA dan Reporter Majalah PROSPEK. it's amazing experience actually! sebelum aku menetap di kota Pahlawan untuk merampungkan studi ku, aku menulis sebuah buku panduan kepramukaan untuk adik didik ku di alamamaterku dan sekarang mencoba mengukir kembali buku baru yang berjudul " Scouting Guide " yang aku dedikasikan untuk mereka pula. aku temukan the great spirit of writing here. "Dahaga Akan Cinta dan Rindu Rosulillah" merupakan puisi ku yang menduduki posisi ketiga dalam lomba menulis puisi cinta untuk Rosulullah di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. (email:

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

English Club SMAN 1 Manyar

Learning English seems to be a must for students in this global era, especially students of international standardized school. They are expected to be fluent in English. There are many ways that students do for being smart in English both spoken and written such as taking a course, buying textbooks or even studying English online. Indeed, those ways need much money and are not even satisfying. To conquer the matter, SMAN 1 Manyar offers English Club (EC) as a fruitful extra school for the students. It gives students a hand in learning English.
                SMANEMA ENGLISH CLUB (EC) is one of the extra school activities. It is aimed at providing students a place to study English. It encourages students to speak up through some fascinating programs such as open discussion, small group discussion, product and program presentation, press conference, speech and debate. Moreover, it builds students understanding about grammar.
                EC is held on every Friday at 3 p.m. It takes a place indoor or outdoor. This club often joins some competitions such as English debating competition, speech contest and story-telling contest over universities. Joining those competitions is expected to give students experiences and test how well their English compared to other schools. Furthermore, those also encourage students to practice speaking as the main purpose of EC.  We already know that practice makes perfect.
                Consequently, becoming a member of EC is extremely the best choice in improving your English at school. Join us and feel the change!

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