Me at A glaNce

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GRESIK BERHIAS IMAN merupakan slogan kota kelahiranku. sekarang aku menempuh pendidikan S1 di Surabaya State University, The faculty of Language and Art, English Department. pendidikan ini aku peroleh karena aku berkesempatan mendapat beasiswa mengikuti SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru). Mindset "The Beauty of Writing" tertanam sejak aku berada di bangku MTs setelah mengirim karya tulis ke Deteksi Jawa Pos. hobi menulis ku ini tertampung di media sekolah sampai akhirnya aku menjabat sebagai pemimpin redaksi mading SMA dan Reporter Majalah PROSPEK. it's amazing experience actually! sebelum aku menetap di kota Pahlawan untuk merampungkan studi ku, aku menulis sebuah buku panduan kepramukaan untuk adik didik ku di alamamaterku dan sekarang mencoba mengukir kembali buku baru yang berjudul " Scouting Guide " yang aku dedikasikan untuk mereka pula. aku temukan the great spirit of writing here. "Dahaga Akan Cinta dan Rindu Rosulillah" merupakan puisi ku yang menduduki posisi ketiga dalam lomba menulis puisi cinta untuk Rosulullah di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. (email:

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

The Victory Flag

The Islamic speech contest that was held by Public Senior High School 1 Gresik on December 25th 2011 became a great moment for particular students, especially for my student, Hasbi Ashshidiqqi. He was a champion on the annual contest. He did not expect that he was able to defeat all the twenty nine contestants over East Java.
Dicky, his nickname, was charmingly appropriate to be the first on the contest. He was energetic, self-confident, and powerful. He could attract all the participants and the two juries who graduated from University of Canberra, Australia. His speech was talking about natural disaster is God’s warning. He reminds audiences that Allah will pour the great calamity for those who forget Him. By dramatizing the situation and showing the expressive mimicry, he succeeded to trigger the audiences giving him enormous applauses.
“No Pain No Gain”, this saying is truly fact. It is also in line with Javanese saying, “Temen Tinemu” that means one who has great endeavor will find the favor.  Dicky has proven those sayings. He did his best on every occasion. He practiced more and more before the contest. He memorized all the text well along with the certain duration. He should have delivered his speech less than five minutes. He even brushed his mind before his turn on Sunan Giri Hall, where the contest was held, while other participants were looking at him. Consequently, he performed his best and led to the victory.
A single student is able to do what Dicky did. Today you need to change the way of your life if it is worthless. You may not behave as you wish. Take into your deep consideration on what you do now for the future! A great motivation and tireless endeavor should become the weapon for fighting on every moment. I believe in you, class.

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